Saturday, July 7, 2012

Jim from "Not About Nightingales" by Tennessee Williams

JIM: No. A guy can use his brain two ways. He can make it a wall to shut him in from the world or a great big door to let him out. (He continues musingly.) Intellectual emancipation!


(Butch gives a long whistle.)

OLLIE: What's that?

JIM: Couple of words I came across in a book.

OLLIE: Sound like big words.

JIM: They are big words. So big that the world hangs on 'em. They can tell us what to read, what to say, what to do-- But they can't tell us what to think! And as long as man can think as he pleases he's never exactly locked up anywhere. He can think himself outside of all their walls and boundaries and make the world his place to live in-- It's a swell feeling, Ollie, when you've done that. It's like being alone on the top of a mountain at night with nothing around you but stars. Only you're not alone, though, cause you know that you're part of everything living and everything living is part of you. Then you get an idea of what God is. Not Mr. Santie Claus, Ollie, dropping answers to prayers down chimneys--


JIM: No, not that. But something big and terrible as night is, and yet--


JIM: And yet--as soft as a woman. Y'see what I mean?

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